Photo credits: theStorytellers

School season is back and things are about to get busy for student all across the country. If you haven’t done so already now is the time to create your student-athlete vision for the 2022-2023 school year. But hurry! The best time to make your vision for the year is before the school year gets rolling and you’re bogged with every day activities. Checkout these tips to help make this school year your best year ever as a student athlete.

As a student athlete, the first thing you must know is that everything in your career begins and ends with YOU! In other words, you will only get as far as your vision and actions towards that vision takes you. No one outside of you can tell you exactly what it is you want for yourself. Therefore in order to make sure you achieve YOUR student athletic dreams you first have to be clear on what your dreams are. Do you want a higher GPA? Do you want to attract more interest from coaches? Do you want to be a multisport athlete? These are choices you have to decide first before the world and the people around you can begin to aid you and getting there. Below are some questions for you to answer that will help you in developing your student athlete vision for the 2022-2023 school year! Remember, while doing this you want to dream big! This is not the time to listen to that little voice that always likes to tell you what you can’t do. This is the time to spell out exactly what is you want for yourself.


  • What do you want to achieve academically? (grades, test scores, attendance, top of the class, etc.)
  • What do you hope to learn about?
  • What awards do you want to receive (if any)?
  • Why?


  • What do you want to achieve athletically? (grades, test scores, attendance, top of the class, etc.)
  • What sports do you want to play?
  • What awards do you want to receive (if any)?
  • Why?


  • What do you want your life to be like outside of school and sports?
    • Do you want to be busy?
    • Do you want to spend time with family and friends?
    • Do you want to travel?
    • Do you want to spend time helping others?
    • Do you want to work?
  • Why?

By answering these questions you will have already taken a major step towards a great school year. IMPORTANT NOTE: Don’t just keep your answers these questions in your head! WRITE THEM DOWN! You can even turn your answers into a vision board. To help you get these answers out of your head and on paper, we’ve created a student athlete vision graphic organizers that you can use to create your vision board and/or organize your responses to the questions above. Click the link below to download it now. For more help achieving your student athletic dreams click here to book a session to work with our MADE Coaches today!

Vision Organizer